Can any foreigner buy a flat in Spain?
1.Can any foreigner buy an apartment in Spain? At present, it is not necessary to fulfill any requirement (work or residence) to be able to buy a flat in Spain?
To purchase a flat in Spain, it is only necessary to have the Foreigner Identification Number (NIE), which is a personal number, unique and exclusive of a sequential nature. It is possible to request the NIE personally or through a representative with authorization to the delegations and subdelegations of Government. And in the offices of foreigners. From abroad it is also possible to process this document, thorough your consulate.
In Spain there is the Non Resident Income Tax (IRNR), 3% tax, which is a direct tax levied on income obtained in Spanish territory by natural persons and non-resident entities, unless they are taxpayers for the Income Tax of Persons Physical (IRPF). It will be understood that a person has his habitual residence in Spanish territory when he remains in Spain more than 183 days during the calendar year. In such case, it is taxed by IRPF, not by IRNR.
Everything will depend, however, on whether or not a personal tax is paid abroad and the existence of double taxation agreements. Thus, for example, as regards the yields of real estate capital, the tax base should be established on the cadastral value or, if the property is rented, on the annual rent obtained.
Total expenses incurred by the purchase, et the Buyer's expense: Value-added tax(VAT), or tax on capital trasfers(ITP second-hand house), Registration, Notary, in the case of being Extrangero also would pay the Tax (IRNR, Tax of non-resident).
Selling Party: Commission,according to Spanish regulations, are the account and position of the Selling Party, In its next income Statement, the Capital Return tax obtained by the sale (IRNR), which can vary between 19% and24%, Depending on the benefit obtained..